Eagle Owls on Saint Peter’s Mountain, Maastricht.
The eagle owls which use the Saint Pietersberg in Maastricht as a breeding ground, have two chicks. They are about a month old, according to expert Marjon Savelsberg of the Natural Monuments. Yearly between two and four chicks are hatched. Growing. The chicks are up high in a nest. "Father and mother eagle owl provide enough food for the chicks, which grow fast," says Savelsberg. The chicks' feathers are already developed in such a manner that they keep them warm. When they are about ten weeks old, they jump out of the nest and learn to fly. "Even after leaving the nest, they continue to be fed for a long time by both parent birds and learn to hunt for themselves. In the autumn they leave their quarry to look for their own place, their own territory," says Savelsberg. Return. Eagle owls disappeared from the Netherlands at the end of the nineteenth century, but have been back since 1997. From that moment on, eagle owls breed on the St. Pietersberg. That was the first place in the country they returned to. Do not disturb. The animals can be admired with binoculars from the bird viewing spot on the Van Schaikweg or from the Luikerweg. The Natural Monuments advises people to stay on the paths and to keep dogs a leashed so as not to disturb the birds.
On May 27, 2021, Ruud and Ineke visited the Enci quarry in Maastricht (Lage Kanaaldijk 115, near “Chalet D’n Observant.”) The cement factory “Enci” has been closed now and the city council intends to turn the quarry into a nature reserve. To read more about the making of the quarry, please check under “Maastricht city walks” or click HERE. We wanted to see the progress, and to our big surprise we also spotted one of the eagle owls!! We have a very good zoom function on our pocket camera!! It was high above us, in one of the holes.
15 May 2021. The Limburger. Photo credits: The Limburger. Eagle owls on the St. Pietersberg (Saint Peter’s mountain).