

On Sunday March 18th, Gil Sharon will play on André's Stradivari violin of 1667. Gil Sharon is member of the Amati Orchestra. A small orchestra playing on original 17th century instruments.

This concert is part of the world renowned art and antique fair TEFAF which -for years- is held in the MECC exhibition center in Maastricht. You want your own Rembrandt? This is the place to be! Nicolo Amati was the teacher of Stradivarius and Guarneri. The Amati violins are just as rare and priceless as the Stradivari and Guarneri violins. During the concert, the Amati-orchestra will play on nine Amati and Stradivari violins. Below the interview with Gil Sharon, by Jo Cortenraedt. Thanks to John for assisting in the translation.

Gil Sharon plays on André's Stradivarius

Running time: 4 Minutes  34 seconds

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