Oops, page not found… Navigation Error
Dear visitor, You have reached this page for one of two reasons: You made a typo in the webpage name. Solution: check the page name and try again, or use the menu on the left to select the proper page. You clicked on a link to our website from another source or blog. On January 1st, 2017 we fully updated our website. As a side effect, all our pages have been given a new name and links to old pages are not valid anymore. We kindly ask webmasters/administrators to update the links in their website/blog. Select the proper webpage from the menu on the left, copy the URL (web page address) and update the link on your website. For items on the www.andrerieumovies.com website in the date range of 2014 all the way back to 2007 you may update the link using the following example to the page ‘Ice Sculptures 2010’: old link was: http://www.andrerieumovies.com/Ice_sculpture_2010.html new link will be: http://www.andrerieumovies.com/history/Ice_sculpture_2010.html Simply add ‘history’ after the www.andrerieumovies.com For additional questions, please send a mail to ruud @ andrerieumovies.com (please remove the spaces before and after the @, this saves me from unwanted spam) and I will assisit you in fixing the problem.